
বিরুলিয়া জমি বিক্রয়


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Visa Purpose Valuation

Visa purpose Valuation Private Valuation Details : 01732-999353

Kishoreganj Private Valuation

  Holding-703/3,Kamolpur (Amlapara) ,Word No-4, P.O- Bhairab-2350,P.S.Bhairab,Dist.Kishoreganj

land valuation & survey bd

 Property valuations and surveys are not the same. Valuations provide an estimate of the value of the property, while surveys offer information about the condition of a house or flat.   value of land is estimated by analyzing recent sale prices of comparable land in the vicinity, adjusting the prices to account for  land size,  shape,  location  other features. What is the best method for valuing land? Top 4 Methods of Real Estate Appraisal Sales Comparison Approach. The sales comparison approach assumes that prior sales of similar properties provide the best indication of a property's value. ... Cost Approach Appraisal. ... Income Approach Appraisal. ... Price Per Square Foot. Our Service :  Land & Building Valuation Student,visit visa purpose valuation Buy & Sale purpose valuation Property Management purpose valuation Demarcation purpose valuation Mouza Map adjusting mesurment  Mouza Map collection  Contract : Abul Bashar Cell-01732-999 353 https://ser

Land Valuation Methods

 1. Comparative Method It is the most popular method. In this method, value of land is estimated by analyzing recent sale prices of comparable land in the vicinity, adjusting the prices to account for any difference in size, shape, location and other features. But this method is useful where there is an active market and transaction prices are easily available. The valuation expert must check average prices over the years and check for any volatility in prices. 2. Development Method This method is used to estimate value of such land which can be developed to unlock its true value. For eg. agricultural land after obtaining change in land use (CLU) to residential can be developed into a township of residential plots and multistoried buildings. Development method takes into account the full development potential of the land to arrive at fair market value. Important factors to be considered under this land valuation method are location, usage, FSI and nature of soil. 3. Allocation Method T

Factors for Valuation of Land

 1. Location As they say, in real estate, its location, location and location. The biggest factor in land valuation is the location of land. Land in an urban area is more expensive than rural land, value of land in city centre is higher than the land in outskirts. 2. Usage A commercial land is more valuable than residential or industrial land. Similarly, residential and industrial lands are more valuable than agricultural land. Hence, it is important to determine the usage of land to evaluate its price. 3. Size Smaller residential plot sizes generally fetch higher per unit rate as compared to larger plots because of affordability reasons. However, if the land can be used for industrial or  commercial purposes, larger plot sizes may command a premium. 4. Shape Generally, square or rectangular plots are preferred over irregular shapes. Hence, regular shaped plots of land command higher prices. 5. Level If the level of land is higher than the adjacent road, it will be difficult to lay wat